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Reading is essential to support your child's progress. Most children will have access to two reading books: a book banded book and a book from our Year 5 Reading Challenge.

Please support your child to read and sign their reading record. Ideally, we would like every child to change their book at least once a week.  When a child has 5 signatures, they will get a raffle ticket to go in the Golden Box and a chance to win a place at Mrs Holgate's Reading Tea Party.


Your child will be sent home with a spelling list each week to practice (see below). These spellings will link to our spelling rules but also the Year 5 and 6 Spelling List (see below). They will have a spelling test each Wednesday. Please help your child practice their spellings each week. 

99 Club

99 Clubs is a 5 minute arithmetic challenge designed to improve your child's knowledge of multiplication and division. Each child will be in a club, ranging from 11 Club to Platinum Club. They will have 5 minutes to complete a set of questions for that club. If they complete the questions and get them all right, they move up to the next club. We have a 99 Club session once a week. Please find below the questions sheets for all of the different clubs so your child is able to practice at home.

Thank you for your continued support.